Artificial Intelligence Forum

The importance of data and digital transformation has accelerated manifold in the last few months. Covid-19 has brought to the fore the importance of digital technologies including data and artificial intelligence in addressing the healthcare crisis, restarting supply chains, enabling online education and almost every aspect of the economy

Role of AI in realizing the vision

Objectives of AI Forum

Develop AI ecosystem (within I4.0)
Demonstrate the art of possible with AI in Industry 4.0 construct
Guide creation of Industry 4.0 CoC for co-creation & co-innovation of AI solutions, use cases
Foster disruptive innovation and eco-system build up (Govt., Enterprises, Startups, SMB’s Academia)
Create AI adoption strategy by enterprises, create value (AI to ROI)
Enhance consumption of AI solutions & capabilities
Recommend policy interventions
8. Undertake discovery of use cases by industry verticals
Provide toolkit to measure AI maturity; establish roadmap
Facilitate research, international collaboration, exchange programs

Initiatives Under AI Forum

CXO Roundtables
Representation from GCC’s/IT & Consulting rms/Industry rms specic to AI transformation led themes under Industry 4.0
AI Knowhow Sessions
Industry & business functions renditions along with applications of AI in computer vision, image classication, conversational AI, NLP/NLU
AI Masterclass
Problem solving at scale and Art of Possible with AI deep dive and intensive sessions Ask an Expert Session: Experts coming together to respond to questions contextualized to their business area on the AI adoption & Applications
AI maturity assessment
AI maturity assessment and journey mapping / AI Playbooks creation for accentuating adoption
Best Practices
Curate and share AI best practices under Industry 4.0 and business segments / Build repository of use cases compendium, tools & techniques marketplace, AI solutions cache
Discovery of use cases
Undertake discovery of use cases by industry segments and business functions / Co-innovate, Cocreate AI solutions with startups & academia
Industry 4.0 capabilities
Build topical Industry 4.0 capabilities with startups, Large Technology providers, Platform Builders, GCC’s, startups for cutting edge AI solutions creation (Data to Insights)

AI Forum Members
